03 May 2009

Decolonization totally sucked for everyone

Decolonization sucked for the western powers because they lost all their colonies! But Great Britain and the other western powers did maintain a pretty serious amount of influence in the Middle East and Latin America and Africa and pretty much everywhere, so it wasn't the end of the world for them.

It also looked like an opportunity for ze Russians because of all these new governments coming onto the market.  It was an opportunity for communism! But the USA did a pretty good job of installing autocratic, fascistic states in the place of old colonies.  Bummer for the Russians!

Decolonization at least initially sucked for the ex-colonies because of all these foreign interests and stuff.  In the long term it sucked, too, because the ex-colonies had to deal with national boundaries and things like that that weren't really very accurate reflections of where nations should lie and stuff like that.

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